Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Twenty-Nine Weeks

This week: Wolverine Baby is 15 inches long and weighs a little over 2 1/2 pounds. That's about the size of a butternut or acorn squash.

Development: This week, Wolverina's just growing.  Her head is getting bigger to accommodate her growing brain, and her lungs and muscles are continuing to mature.  I feel certain that the box jumps she performs on my bladder and hip bone are contributing to her muscle maturity...

Are you craving anything? Chocolate milk and ice cream.  Apparently, this is good because I'm supposed to increase my intake of calcium this trimester to help her growing skeleton.

Is there any food that turns you off? Nothing really turns me off, but I simply can't eat anything too spicy because I know how badly I'll pay for it.

How do you feel? I feel big.  I feel like I'm waddling, but Ray sweetly lied to me and told me I wasn't.  My feet are swollen at the end of the day, and the Braxton Hicks contractions are stepping up in frequency, intensity, and length.

How is your sleep? Surprisingly good.

Most surprising thing you've noticed or experienced: A Braxton Hicks contraction that lasted for probably 20 minutes.  It was accompanied by cramping.  It wasn't terrible, it wasn't even really that painful, but it was enough to make me ask Ray to please google it to ensure nothing was wrong.  I had not had one that lasted that long yet, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't indicative of a larger problem.  Nope.  It's all normal.

Something you're surprised you haven't noticed or experienced: Not that I can think of.

Favorite/most comfortable article of clothing: Pajama pants/shorts.

How is Ray doing? He's doing well.  He can't remember the term "Braxton Hicks," so he refers to these contractions as "Briggs and Stratton."  When he asked, "How are your Briggs and Stratton things?" I started laughing and asked if he was referring to the BH contractions or Army generals.  I was corrected.  Apparently, Briggs and Stratton are not generals.  They make engines...

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